Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer + Water = FUN

Woooow! That was really crazy. Bonnie and me didn't very know how to arrive Fulong. However, I brought a Taipei map and Bonnie drove her car, and than.....let's go~!

Bonnie has good driving skills, so we only spent about 2 hrs to there, including we got lost two times. When we arrived there, we didn't spent lots of time finding them. Although I can't swim, we still had lots of fun there.

This is my first time to Fulong, and it is a beautiful beach. It need to pay 70 NT dollars to enter the beach, but it's worth.

On the way back to Chungli, something hit our car and was curshed on freeway. We are safe, but that was really horrible experience for us. 

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