Sunday, July 25, 2010

Special: Airport pick up

This is my first time to airport pick up with foreigners. This make me feel expect, exciting, and …nervous.

When we arrival airport, it already 7 p.m... The first incoming are Dr. Jih, and six students. The same, this is my first to say hello and shake hand with foreigner, and I seem a little embarrassed. Anyway, I had the experience, and I will do that better next time.

Two groups of students would arrival later, so we went to 4th floor and took rest. All I can do was listening and smile, because their speaking is too fast for me. That’s too bad, right?!

About 9 p.m., we met other students, and then went back to CYCU. Do you think my mission over? No~~! Because I have to take the two ladies to dorm and tell them what they need to notice. Although it was still a challenge for me, I thought this was easier to face two people than group of people.

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